
Cartier-adorned Motorola A1600 makes no apologies

By its very nature, the MING series has never been the most understated lineup of phones money could buy -- but if the trick transparent cover isn't enough to turn some heads your way on your next trip to Taiwan, can we recommend this instead? It seems Moto has teamed up with Cartier in some capacity here to trick out the A1600 with enough gold and fake (well, hopefully fake) croc skin to make all but the most unabashedly flashy buyers cringe. At $28,000 TWD (about $867), it's no Vertu -- so it's kinda ironic that they've somehow managed to outdo all but the most ridiculous Vertus on the tacky luxury meter, isn't it?

[Thanks, TheLostSwede]

Update: Seems the A1600 itself might simply be a Luxury Edition in the same vein as the V8 -- Cartier comes into play with the bundled business card holder. Thanks, ZTE!