
Amazon's day of Xbox 360 gaming deals

All day today, will be dishing out various Xbox 360 deals as part of their Gold Box fun AND even selected an Xbox 360 package as part of their Countdown to Black Friday deal extravaganza.

For their Deal of the Day, is offering Midnight Club: LA for $40. As far as Lightning Deals go, they're currently offering The Force Unleashed for $30, but new Lightning deals are scheduled to go live at 1PM, 4PM, 5PM, 8PM and 10PM eastern. Word on the street is that Mortal Kombat vs. DC and Fable 2 will be a part of the Lightning offerings.

As if that weren't enough, Amazon's Countdown to Black Friday deal is an Xbox 360 Elite bundle where they're bundling together a copy of The Last Remnant and 4000 Microsoft points all for $399. Now, go. Go get your shopping on.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]