
New Rolando trailer says release in December

Last we heard from Rolando, perhaps the iPhone game we're most excited to play, ng:moco had announced that they were still aiming for a release date of "Holiday 2008." And now it's looking like that holiday is Christmas rather than Thanksgiving, because over on their site, they've put up a new video for the game, and they're now saying there will be a "December" release (strangely enough, Touch Arcade's URL for the story says "December 12th" at the time I write this, but that could have been just an error on their side).

Oh well. At least we've got the new trailer, which shows off some more of the way gameplay works, including the 2D physics, the great colors and art, and the use of the touchscreen to not only control characters, but sometimes rearrange and manipulate the game world.

Rolando continues to look impressive (rumor has it that it'll come with a $9.99 price tag, but hopefully we'll get a demo to try out first). We've waited months for the game already, so a few weeks probably won't be so bad, right?

[via Touch Arcade]