
Nokia 2608: simple CDMA, denied US citizenship

There's a market for low-end handsets in any country -- and in a country where CDMA still has as huge of a presence as it does in the US, you'd think Nokia would want to roll out all the artillery in its meager CDMA arsenal. Alas, Espoo makes it crystal clear that there aren't any American aspirations in the cards for the new 2608, a simple flip (or "fold" in Nokia parlance) available in fuscia, white, or black with pink, green, or blue stripes, respectively. It can be tethered to a PC, features a voice recorder and speakerphone, and packs an integrated LED flashlight -- but best of all, it'll be the lowest cost CDMA device Nokia offers when it goes on sale in the second quarter of next year. Just don't get your hopes up for an external display, alright?