
Japanese police bag themselves another pirate [update]

It looks like one prominent Japanese pirate may have emitted his last yarr. Police in Shikoku slapped the cuffs on a 57-year-old man who made a not-so-cool ¥1m ($10,700) from selling CycloDS and Edge flashcarts with micro SD cards and information on where to obtain copied game data. He was eventually arrested after selling a CD-ROM with a copy of Super Mario World and an illegally downloaded copy of Pokémon Platinum.

The Association of Copyright for Computer Software (ACCS) led an investigation on the case, and revealed that the culprit had many happy customers; comments such as "My children are happily playing away" appeared on his Yahoo! Auctions feedback page.

Two things that stand out about this story: the sizeable wad of cash this guy managed to generate before being caught, and his apparently respectable position in society -- according to the ACCS, he runs (ran) a cram school. We're guessing neither activity will feature heavily in his immediate future.

Update: Added further clarification.