
New impressions of Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Our PC loving brethren over at Big Download recently got a chance to sit down for a hands-off session of The Chronicles: Assault on Dark Athena. Dark Athena is essentially two games in one, as it is both a remake of the first Riddick title, Escape from Butcher Bay, and it also includes a brand new campaign entitled (you guessed it) Assault on Dark Athena. Fans of the original will be happy to hear that the new campaign can be started from the outset, so it won't be necessary to play the enhanced original unless you want to.

Big Download notes that the entire team that created Escape from Butcher Bay has returned to work on Dark Athena, ensuring that the game is more than just a simple remake. Dark Athena takes place directly after the first game, with Riddick tasked with escaping the Dark Athena, a ship replete with shadows and enemies that need killing. Among the new enemies are Drones, remote controlled androids that Riddick can incapacitate and use as shields. Riddick can also ustilise an incapacitated Drone's gun and, with the help of a control station, can even control Drones directly. This comes in handy should you find heavy opposition or otherwise impassable obstacles. Overall, it sounds like the game is shaping up well for its 2009 release.

Head over to Big Download for full impressions.