
Nice List is...uh...a nice list

This has gotta stop. Three times in the last two weeks, I've said, "Wouldn't it be nice if there was an iPhone app that did this?" -- and then received an email the next day from a developer who has released the app I was thinking about. I may need to put on my tinfoil hat to keep iPhone devs from reading my mind.

The latest mind invasion happened last night, when my spouse and I were out Christmas shopping for two low-income families. Barb had a list in iPhone Notes, but no way to check off the items we picked up. Today I received an email from Polar Bear Farm, announcing that they'd released Nice List, a Holiday Gift Manager for iPhone and iPod touch.

If somebody has been especially nice this year, you can add 'em to your Nice List from your address book. Once you know who you'll be gifting, you can add gifts and an estimated price. Mark off when you've bought, wrapped, and shipped presents by tapping on a special icon for each task. You can be a secret Santa by password-protecting your list.

The US$2.99 app just arrived in the App Store last night (click opens iTunes). With just 19 shopping days until Christmas, this might be a big help for your last-minute buying frenzy.