
WoW Moviewatch: LFG: This is war

We've known for a while that the comic LFG has been working on a feature-length film. Well, they've now released another teaser, just to make sure we keep it in mind and keep looking forward to it. It's a rough animation, without the full suite of effects. But it does include another Disney-inspired song, which makes me wonder if the final movie is going to be a musical. (Which, I think, would be cool.)

I like this teaser much better than the earlier one. The first teaser was cool if you're into Richard, the all-evil all-the-time character. It was mostly a display of him walking around and killing people. I totally dug the animation and song, but the action just didn't really hit my funny bone. "This is war," however, really did it for me -- I think the contrasting characters brought more depth to the "plot."

Thanks to Andrew for the tip!

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Previously on Moviewatch ...