
Rumor: Gears 3 and five player co-op in 2010

Even though Gears of War 2 released to retail about a month ago, that doesn't stop the sequel rumor mill from a churning. The latest Gears rumor to surface is word that Gears of War 3 is in development and EGM claims will be ready for release Christmas 2010. Even more rumor worthy, EGM adds that the third Gears installment will utilize a "five player co-op experience", which we're guessing is co-op campaign over Live.

But don't get too excited, because these exciting (and somewhat early) Gears 3 rumors have already been shot down by Epic's Mark Rein. Rein informed Eurogamer that the rumors are "total nonsense," adding that "
we're still working on improvements to Gears 2." We say keep the Gears 2 updates coming, the DLC flowing and we'll shift our focus to Gears 3 in a year or two.

Source - EGM's Gears 3 rumor
Source - Mark Rein's rumor response