
New COD4 playlists axed, no more DLC likely

We hope you like Call of Duty 4 just the way it is -- or have moved on to COD: World at War -- because it sounds like it's going to stay that way. Popping into the forums, Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling (known to gamers as fourzerotwo) responded to comments regarding new playlists for COD4 as well as any upcoming DLC. Unfortunately, Bowling announced that the much talked about playlists "never came to fruition." We're not sure when they were shelved, though they had been mentioned by Bowling as recently as September.

On the discussion of DLC, Bowling stated that it was Infinity Ward's goal to ship as many maps on the Call of Duty 4 disc as possible. Bowling stated that the challenge developers face is balancing the number of maps included with a game and the steady release of DLC later. Said Bowling, "If you include [maps] out of box (shipped with game for no extra cost) then it's just ignored and people demand more. If you instead, decide to get the game out and then worry about beefing up the map selection via DLC, people say 'don't nickle and dime me' or 'this should have been included in the shipped game.'"

Bowling then said that Infinity Ward is focusing on expanding its development team to better handle post-launch support for its games while still maintaining enough staff to work on future projects. The upshot of all this: don't expect any more DLC for Call of Duty 4, but expect better post-launch support on Infinity Ward's next project. Whatever that is.

[Via Gamer Limit]