
Gamasutra crunches numbers, breaks down console wars

There is currently a very interesting article over at Gamasutra detailing the current state of the console wars. Beginning with the November NPD numbers and reaching all the way back to the launches of the Wii and PS3, the article breaks down the lifetime sales numbers of the three big consoles and provides some detailed analysis (graphs!). Particularly interesting is the graph of Wii and PS3 sales relative to the Xbox 360 installed base (above). The Wii managed to surpass the 360 around halfway through 2008, whereas the Playstation 3's position has remained more or less the same and is actually slightly lower as of November. The upshot is that Sony is having difficulty (in the US anyway) and the article examines what could be done to turn things around.

The article also examines software sales for November as well as the unfortunate performance of EA's original titles Mirror's Edge and Dead Space. If you're even a little interested in the business side of the gaming industry, we suggest you head over to Gamasutra and check out the whole article. It's a good read.