
Breakfast Topic: Dailies and you

I know that daily quests are your best way to gain in-game fame (reputation) and fortune (gold), but despite being fully aware of this fact I can never quite make myself go through 25 of them in a day. No matter how alluring the rewards, available time and limited attention span always conspire to only allow me for a couple of dailies in my regular agenda. And while there are people out there who fill their days with dailies, with the number of daily options, everyone has to make choices on which quests to take and which to drop. So for today's topic: what choices do you make with your dailies? I like to do Defending Wyrmrest Temple (riding a dragon into combat with other dragons just never gets old), pick up the daily dungeon (and/or daily heroic) when I have time, and whatever else I happen to run across in my travels. What are your "don't miss" dailies?