
Verizon, Alltel spar over ad claim

Verizon has taken issue with an ad campaign put up by its smaller CDMA rival, Alltel, over a claim that the latter was the only carrier that "gives wireless customers the ability to change their calling plans without having to extend the term of their contracts." Alltel claims that Verizon contacted them some time ago -- all neighborly like, not "we're gonna sue you back to the stone age" like -- and asked them to change the ad to reflect the fact that Verizon was offering the same capability, and that it did in fact make the requested changes; Verizon says that unedited versions of the ad continued to air, though, forcing it to take its grievance into the courtroom. Nothing in the wireless industry generates more soap opera-like drama than when two megacarriers sue each other over deceptive advertising, so we're definitely looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.