
The weekend in Warcraft: January 11 - 13, 2008

The weekend in Warcraft: January 11 - 13, 2008

The Care and Feeding of Warriors: Saying hi to the new boss
One of the drawbacks of playing a tank is needing to have a certain threshold of gear in order to do the job. You might well know how to hold aggro exceedingly well, but if you don't have the armor, defense, mitigation stats and health to stand up to the pounding then you'll die and dead warriors are insanely bad at hold aggro.

Insider Trader: A disenchanted profession
Back in the early days of the Azerothian economy, enchanters performed enchants with their own mats. You didn't sell anything you didn't have all the mats for, with the exception of special items such as Righteous Orbs for exclusive, high-end enchants....

Harsher penalties for AV AFKers
Leeching in Alterac Valley -- or, as Blizzard puts it, "non-participation in Battleground games" -- has been a problem for about as long as the new Honor system has been in place (not so new now).

AFK punishment is still just a band-aid

As Drysc said, the problem isn't just a matter of punishing people who break the rules, it's finding out why they are doing this, and change their incentives, so that they don't want to break the rules in the first place.

All the World's a Stage: If looks could kill

But there are many men out there who don't like such exaggerated manliness in their characters, just as there are many women who don't want their character to look like a dainty barbie doll.

Spiritual Guidance: So you want to play a Priest...

There are lots of reasons you might want to play a Priest. Perhaps you like the idea of smiting your enemies. Perhaps you want to melt faces. Perhaps you want to help your groupmates by providing healing. Or maybe you enjoy the god-like feeling of being completely in control of which members of your party live or die.