
XGen Studios announces it's a certified Wii dev, working on Wii Ware game

The Alberta, Canada-based company XGen Studios has announced that it has become an authorized Wii developer, undoubtedly tired and hurt from completing the deadly trials set forth by Nintendo. We imagine that getting certified by Nintendo is kind of like surviving the three tests set before Indy (the penitent man kneels). We're sure the ends justify the means.

XGen also followed up the announcement by revealing that they have a Wii Ware game already in the works. They didn't reveal much on what the game will be, other than its an "existing cult classic" from the company and will allow up to 4 players at the same time. With a history of browser-based games, we're excited for what XGen could bring to Wii Ware, as they're well-versed in creating casual titles.

If you're interested in learning more about XGen, try their official website.