
VC Tuesday: Slow Release Week: The Puzzle

Wow, two whole games? Nintendo certainly knows how to spoil their Japanese audience. It's not as if these are the worst games ever, but we would certainly love to see some more games as usual. We'll try not to dwell on it too much, and instead focus on this week's releases. Both of them.

Both newly-available games are currently available in the U.S., though they might not be instantly recognizable. Super Contra is pretty obviously Super C, the NES Contra sequel and all-around 500-point-worthy run-and-gun. Cosmo Gang: The Puzzle is actually Pac-Attack. It turns out that before it was a Pac-puzzler, the game was a video puzzle spinoff of a popular redemption game.

Speaking of Cosmo Gang: it's Irrelevant Anecdote Time! When I worked at a Namco arcade during college, I got a couple of sheets of Pac-Man temporary tattoos. In addition to Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, some ghosts, etc., there was this one pinkish, antennae-bearing character that I didn't know. It was a Cosmo Gang character! I learned something today.