
Toshiba officially bows out of next-gen format war

While the news was already technically broken on Saturday by NHK, Toshiba has today held a press conference to tell the world that HD-DVD is being dropped. Toshiba will no longer develop, manufacture or market HD-DVD, bringing the shipping of hardware to retailers to a gradual halt by the end of March. The format war ends today with the much-signposted victory for Blu-Ray. This is obviously great news for PS3 owners (as well as would-be PS3 owners who were sitting on the fence about Blu-Ray).

We suspect we'll hear from Universal and Paramount before too long regarding their schedule for Blu-Ray releases. Finally we can expect to see films like Serenity and TV shows like Heroes on our favourite Hi-Def medium. Obviously, we'll keep you up to date with any announcements these studios make. The "war" is finally, officially, over. How does that make you feel?

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]