
McFarlane Halo 3 figures spotted in the wild

All of the talk, news, previews and excitement surrounding McFarlane's Halo 3 series one has been accumulating over the past few months, all in preparation for the figures' March launch. But now we're learning that some fanboys my not have to wait until March to get their Halo 3 action figure goodness.

X3F reader matt mcclard sent us the picture above, which he recently took at a Wal-Mart store in Dallas. And we think the picture is pretty self-explanatory. Halo 3 series one figures are already making their way into retail stores! Woohoo! This also means one other thing: we're headed off to our local Wal-mart to see what Halo 3 goodies we can find. Master Chief, we're coming for you.

[Thanks, matt mcclard]