
EDGE magazine's 16-page GTAIV feature scanned

In the latest issue of EDGE Magazine Sam Houser sat down and discussed all things Grand Theft Auto, from 2D to Part IV. While the article is light on new details for the upcoming April 29 release of GTAIV, Rockstar president Sam Houser discusses everything from being the industry scapegoat to the occasional trials and tribulations of working with Ray Liotta. The eager community at GTAForums couldn't wait for everyone to get their hands on an issue of EDGE and have released scans of all 16-pages online.

The article proves very informative and spans the entire history of Grand Theft Auto. One obvious topic was the Hot Coffee scandal, but interestingly enough Houser describes that his real fear with the infamous situation wasn't a legal issue at all. "One of my fears when the Hot Coffee thing happened," Houser explains, "it was going to take this really beautiful piece of work and it was going to be known for something else."

Some details Houser did share regarding GTAIV included the importance of comedy clubs, which have been incorporated in a manner that is "enough to make your head spin." Also, along with cars aging over time with dirt and dulling rusted paint, bullets will leave permanent visible damage to your ride.

When discussing multiplayer, Houser wasn't able to go into detail but did mention previously rumored features, including meeting friends within Liberty City via Xbox Live or PSN with no other goal other than to use it as a meeting place. "I'll meet you in a car and we'll hang and just drive and listen to music, chilling in the car, with your 3D model sat next to me," Houser concluded.

Grand Theft Auto IV continues to top our most wanted list and is an immediate must-own for gamers (over 17 of course!) when it hits stores on April 29.

[Thanks, Richie O.]