
Yet more great apps coming for the iPhone

Yesterday we posted about the Apple press release announcing that the SDK had been downloaded more than 100,000 times in four days. It's also worth noting, however, that Apple basically confirmed that several well-known developers are officially supporting the iPhone and bringing some exciting applications to everyone's favorite handheld. In addition to the developers represented on stage at the SDK event, of particular interest are:

  • Intuit (of Quicken fame) which wants "to create powerful iPhone applications."

  • Namco, specifically mentioning Pac Man and, my favorite, Galaga.

  • NetSuite, developer of SuitePhone (CRM software similar to

  • PopCap games, working on the extremely addicting Peggle as well as classics Bejeweled and Zuma.

  • Six Apart, which is developing an iPhone native TypePad blogging client.

In short, it's obvious that the App Store is going to be chock full 'o goodness once June rolls around. Personally, I'm slightly worried that with Peggle and Galaga on my iPhone I'll never get anything done.