
Your photocopied Pokemans: Don't let Nintendo see them

From the "forms of piracy we didn't know existed" department: Nintendo (and the police!) have cracked down on pirated Pokémon cards. Last month, seven stores in New York were raided by police, with counterfeit Pokemans confiscated and multiple arrests made. In addition, law enforcement officials seized about 1.2 million fake cards from a fake card factory (the factory was real) in China. According to a press release sent out yesterday, Nintendo and Pokémon USA are attempting to curtail the production and proliferation of copyrighted Pokémon Trading Card Game materials. The real surprise here is that people are still buying Pokémon Trading Card Game cards.

"Pokémon wants to send a message to importers and producers that we will not stand for the distribution of fraudulent Pokémon product," said Pokémon spokesperson, J.C. Smith. "Pokémon is committed to ensuring our fans receive the quality product they've come to expect." But which Pokémon do they have doing QA work?

[Press release available here]