
X3F TV -- Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Dissection

Come one, come all, gather round and feast your eyes on some deliciously new Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack media in both video and screenshot form. Yum!

Microsoft gave us early access to Halo 3's upcoming multiplayer DLC featuring Avalanche, Blackout and Ghost Town, so we figured we'd give you a little preview of what's to come in the latest round of DLC that's set to release April 15th. It's something we're calling our Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Dissection. True, team Bungie did release a rather comprehensive ViDoc the other day, but our video and exclusive screenshots have that worn in X3F feel that you can't get anywhere else. The same feeling you get when putting on your favorite pair of jeans. So go ahead already, watch our official Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Dissection video embedded above, get learnified, then take a browse through the new screenshots we uploaded to the gallery below. It's time to embrace your Legendary Map Pack obsession.

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