
TUAW Best of the Week

It's the weekend. W00t! Time to kick back, relax and read the latest installment of TUAW's best of the week, where we gather up our favorite posts for your easy clicking enjoyment. Luckily, Mac users only had to restart their Mac once this week after a Safari update.

Free alternatives to the Macheist bundle + more
Sick of paying for Mac software? Well, there's tons of freeware developers on the Mac. Find out where to get some freeware that serves as an alternative to the Macheist bundle.

Mac 101: fine tune your Mac's volume
You know, for those library visits.

First commercial Hackintosh announced by Psystar
Looks like it's time for Apple to issue a C&D (if they can find an address).

PBS videos for educators hit iTunes U
PBS normally has great educational content, now educators can get it directly from iTunes.

Sega producer talks about Super Monkey Ball for the iPhone
Yeah, just what every iPhone owner needs ... games. Oh? You say you really want games? OK ... fine then!

AppleTV update 2.0.2
Even the little guy needs an update sometimes. Looks like Apple gave that little guy a little update, eh? Nothing new to see here, move on folks.

Mac 101: schedule your scripts
Brett showed us how to create a script that will run when called upon by an iCal alarm. Pretty nifty.

Fring: VOIP on iPhone--live blog tryout
Erica, as always, did an awesome job at another live blog. This week's live blog included a chat with the folks over at Fring (the iPhone VoIP client).

Starbucks offers free iTunes "Pick of the Week"
Good to see a coffee company giving away things for free; how about giving some coffee away?

More bundle fun with MacUpdate Promo Parallels deal
If you're tired of the other software bundles out there, why not try one that includes Parallels?

Two more Apple Stores confirmed for New York City
Ahem, Apple, I think you're forgetting about some other states, aren't you?

iTunes: Free Tuesday
Get some free tunes.