
SCEA to Europe: 'We hear what you're saying'

SCEE has been lambasted recently by members of the European PS3 community over their sub-par treatment of the region in comparison to America or Japan. One of the main requests is for a European equivalent to the PlayStation.Blog, which has again been brought up as a response to Sony's latest Blog entry. User Joakim Hagdahl made the request and was lucky enough to get a response from Jeff Rubenstein.

Rubenstein responded by saying that Sony "know[s] that there are a lot of readers coming here from beyond North America. We're in the process of working out how to make sure your needs are addressed. We hear what you're saying." This is a good thing, indeed. More European coverage on the PlayStation.Blog would be excellent, especially if SCEE staff start posting on it themselves. However, we're slightly worried that SCEA seems happy to respond to complaints while SCEE themselves have remained silent. Talk to us, SCEE -- that's all we want.