
The Daily Grind: How was the first weekend of AoC's open beta for you?

Some are in the closed beta, many many others are in the open beta. We thought we'd ask you this morning how your first weekend of the open Age of Conan beta went? With our team, the experiences ran the gamut. For some, there were only one or two minor things we noticed and the rest was smooth as silk. Others of the team had horrendous crashes of the client all weekend long, and at least a couple of folks weren't able to get in at all, hitting the authentication errors that some have noted on the forums. (They're waiting on mail replies from support too, so you're not alone out there.)

So how was your experience with the Age of Conan beta this weekend? Did you find anything that caused massive problems? How about things that were really done well? Did it make you decide to order -- or cancel your pre-order? Do you just not care? We've told you what some of the team here thinks; now we want to hear from you!