
Chocobo's Dungeon website reminds us that the game exists

There seems to be an inordinately low level of hype surrounding the July release of Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon. It's an original Final Fantasy RPG (of sorts) on the Wii! That's awesome, right? Roguelikes, as well, are relatively hot right now, so we think this is a noteworthy release.

The website has been updated with a short story introduction, descriptions of three of Chocobo's available jobs (Knight, White Mage, and Black Mage), and even gameplay information, which describes areas in the game's town and the weird "Romantic Phrases" sidequest. In this quest, you find hidden "Romantic Phrases" in letters and recite them to Romantic Hero X.

There are also two wallpapers, one of which was the source for the lovely art adorning this post. We've stared at it long enough that we're now convinced we like the game.