
No, you can't has AoC buddy key. Yet.

Unless you've been under a rock somewhere, or playing the single most awesome MMO to be released by any company at any time ever, you may have noticed that Age of Conan has recently launched.

The immense tide of people wanting to join the Beta has been followed by a similarly vast number of people paying to get in, and on the heels of that, we have now have the gargantuan flood of people wanting to try it out for free with a Buddy Key. Given that the (now sold out) Collector's Edition included five of these delicious free tastes of Hyborian goodness, the impact of all the Buddy Keys being activated can be likened to a battlefield full of bellowing Spartans all piling on to the same bouncy castle.

So, don't be surprised that the Buddy Keys aren't active yet. The Devs want to let the first wave of paying players get settled in, and give the servers a chance to catch their breath, have a nice cup of tea and a sit down before the next lot arrive. Will it be worth the wait? Absolutely.