
Rock Band releases new Cars album DLC

As promised, Harmonix just released yet another complete album of Rock Band DLC, and this time we're treated to The Cars' self titled album "The Cars". W00t!

Available for purchase off the XBLM are nine new Rock Band DLC tracks from The Cars, each available for 160 Microsoft points apiece or bundled together as an album for 1200 points. Which, if you're interested, makes an album purchase a savings of 240 points over purchasing each track individually. Check the break for a list of all nine new Rock Band DLC tracks.

Today's Rock Band DLC
Individual Tracks - 160

"You're All I've Got Tonight" by The Cars
"My Best Friend's Girl" by The Cars
"Moving in Stereo" by The Cars
"Just What I Needed" by The Cars
"I'm in Touch with Your World" by The Cars
"Good Times Roll" by The Cars
"Don't Cha Stop" by The Cars
"Bye Bye Love" by The Cars
"All Mixed Up" by The Cars

'The Cars' Album - 1200

"You're All I've Got Tonight" by The Cars
"My Best Friend's Girl" by The Cars
"Moving in Stereo" by The Cars
"Just What I Needed" by The Cars
"I'm in Touch with Your World" by The Cars
"Good Times Roll" by The Cars
"Don't Cha Stop" by The Cars
"Bye Bye Love" by The Cars
"All Mixed Up" by The Cars