
Adorable! Castle Crashers' Bitey Bat and Giraffey

Just as they've done for the past month or so, The Behemoth just took the (100% Egyptian cotton) shroud of mystery off of two more of Castle Crashers' Animal Orbs and this time the adorable-meter is off the charts. Meet Bitey Bat and Giraffey. They're Animal Orbs. During battle, Bitey Bat promises to gnaw on your foes' heads and Giraffey will use his magically limp tongue to aid in leveling up your character quicker. You'll probably come across each floating orb of helpfulness alongside Seahorse, Scratchpaw and a bunch of other zoo'licious Animal Orbs when Castle Crashers releases later this year . Admit it, they're freakin' adorable!

Read - Bitey Bat animal orb
Read - Giraffey animal orb