
Comic Watch: Penny Arcade bets on Ponystars

Those impish ne'er-do-wells at Penny Arcade have taken the reins and presented a comic replete with our two favorite topics: human-created abominations of nature, and Ponystars. Our admiration for the latter is obvious, but it could only take the talents of Messrs Brahe and Gabriel to perfectly evoke our passion for the former.

Will this comic make you more likely to want to try the game? Although many initially express distaste for the genre, if not outright indignance at the mere mention of its pastorally quasi-equestrian delights, once presented with the possibility of assembling a hideous hooved horror, we've seen many a neigh-sayer quickly bray out a mea culpa and get straight to their dark work.

(Note: this is a work of parody; no actual pixelated ponies were harmed in the making of the comic. NSFW language follows.)