
Halo 3 double XP weekend: Legendary Brawl

Bungie has announced the latest Halo 3 Double EXP Weekend and it is ... Legendary Brawl! Just what the heck is Legendary Brawl, you ask? It's a 12 man free-for-all death fest, that's what it is. But wait, there's more! Not only will Legendary Brawl award you double experience points this weekend, but it's ranked. As a large number of Halo 3's multiplayer achievements can only be earned in ranked free-for-all matches, this weekend marks the perfect opportunity to rack up some of the more difficult ones. Just makes sure you have the Legendary Map pack, as it's required to access the Double EXP playlist.

The Double EXP weekend is already underway, so start leveling up if you're so inclined.