
MartinLogan speakers formally come to Amazon

It's always welcome news to us when we see an audio stalwart make the transition from audio-only to home theater; even better when they embrace the internet along the way. Word comes to us via press release that MartinLogan is now making the heart of its speaker lineup, the Design series, available on Amazon. That means that if you don't have a local dealer (including Magnolia) in your area or you just can't be bothered to leave your AV den, MartinLogan speakers are now just a mouse click away -- with Super Saver/Prime shipping, no less. We've got to admit, the logos look pretty good together in a doodle kind of way. Included in Amazon's sampling are: Purity and Source uprights; Matinee and Vignette center channels; Ticket, Presage, Voyage and Helos 100 in-walls; and Abyss and Dynamo subs. Certainly enough to fill out your speaker needs; just be sure you remember to report the (cough) sales tax (cough)! Full press release after the break.'s Electronics Store Delivers High-Performance Sound Quality With MartinLogan Loudspeakers

Lawrence, Kansas, June 3, 2008

MartinLogan, the Loudspeaker Technology Company, is proud to announce that its high-performance Design Series loudspeakers are now available to tens of millions of Amazon customers, with the click of a mouse, by visiting Amazon's MartinLogan boutique at

Whether customers are looking for a stereo or multi-channel system solution, every model of the MartinLogan Design Series will be available for shipping from Amazon. In addition, customers can click on sponsored links to find installation services – assuring customers total satisfaction with their new audio experience. Many of the Design Series loudspeakers also qualify for's free Super Saver Shipping or free two-day shipping for Amazon Prime members.

" represents a new and exciting distribution opportunity. Amazon is truly unique in their ability to offer consumers critical product information and assist each customer through the selection process," says Mike Lyons, MartinLogan president and CEO.

"MartinLogan speakers allow people to experience music and movies with amazing detail. As Amazon's home theater business continues to dramatically grow, MartinLogan is a natural match for our customers who appreciate high performance," says Noah Herschman,'s director of Audio Video. "Many people still think speakers look like those ugly boxes that were made back in the 1970's. MartinLogan has used the latest speaker technology to create stylish in-wall, on-wall and floor-standing speakers that sound incredible. We look forward to exposing the benefits of MartinLogan speakers to people who normally would not go into a consumer electronics store."

The Design Series available on includes models up to $2,995 a pair (MSRP). The subwoofers in the Design Series are up to $999 each (MSRP). In addition, Amazon will stock all in-wall speakers, up to $1,995 each (MSRP).