
WWDC 2008 is Monday at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST, set your alarms

Rumor roll call: 3G iPhone: check. Mid-range Mac desktop: check. Tablet MacBook: check. Tablet iPod touch: check. New MacBook Pros: check. Wait. You do realize that this is WWDC, and Apple usually only announces one, maybe two new pieces of hardware, right? They really just tend to focus on the software being that it's their, um, worldwide developer conference. (iPhone 2.0 firmware: check. OS X 10.6: check. check.) Whatever, set your alarm clocks because we'll be there blowing it out live.

Where you need to be:
Steve Jobs WWDC 2008 keynote - live coverage
All WWDC 2008 coverage
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En Español:
El WWDC empieza este lunes 9 de junio a las 10:00 PST USA... ¡prepárate!

What time to post the GO AWAY note on your door on Monday, the 9th. (Leave more time zones in comments!)
07:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
01:00PM - Eastern
05:00PM - GMT
06:00PM - London
07:00PM - Paris
02:00AM - Tokyo (June 10th)

Also, how do you want us to write this thing up? We usually do the latest updates at the bottom (so it reads like anything else -- top to bottom); at Macworld we polled and did newest updates at the top, and a lot of people told us afterward that they preferred it the old way. So, what say you?
