
WAR's Creative Director waxes nostalgic about games journalism

The interview between Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Kieron Gillen and EA Mythic's Paul Barnett is a bit of meta-ness that doesn't bear directly on MMO news, but it's an interesting look into the mind of one of the architects behind the upcoming Warhammer Online.

The take-away from the interview is that games journalism can be played many different ways, but in Barnett's mind it ought to stand for critical examination, the way movie critics write. Part of this means a no-bias account, and part of it means offering alternatives to gameplay that the writer feels doesn't work. We bloggers here at Massively do our best to provide our readers with the straight stuff, and we hope that comes through.

The interview is merely the first in a series, with much more content from that evening's get-together on its way. We'll keep our eyes out for interesting tidbits.