
Dream on! Guitar Hero: Aerosmith won't accept Rock Band guitars

The Activision peripheral tantrum continues, with the mega-publisher still refusing to allow Rock Band guitar peripherals to operate on its Guitar Hero games, including this week's Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. Despite reports to the contrary on a couple forums, when our friendly tipster attempted to use a Rock Band guitar on the Xbox 360 version of GH: Aerosmith he was greeted with the following error: "An unsupported guitar peripheral has been detected. Connect either a Guitar Hero guitar or Xbox 360 controller and press START to continue."

Considering the Rock Band guitar never worked on any of the three new-gen consoles' releases of Guitar Hero 3 (check our guitar compatibility matrix), we're going to assume the same lack of functionality is present in not only the Xbox 360 release, but the PlayStation 3 and Wii releases of GH: Aerosmith as well. Let us know if you've tried it on either of those consoles.

[Big thanks, Dan A.]