
Kage roi table does your web searches for you

Only recently we told you about a table that monitors who is dominating a conversation and deemed it potentially disruptive. This time, however, we're looking at the "Kage roi" which looks to add to the coming together of wits and intelligences. Using voice recognition, Kage roi grabs keywords and performs internet searches, displaying the results for each to see. To add to it all, the table even uses colored LEDs to set the mood. For instance, if you work with a group of morning people, set it to sunrise. If you're trying to get them to scramble before the end of the day, give them a sunset and let the desperate brainstorming begin. Developed by IT firm Kayac with some brains on Keio University, Kage roi won't be in a board room near you any time soon.

[Via Coolest Gadgets]