
Gamekyo: Jade Raymond working on surival game 'I Am Alive'

We kind of assumed that after the sales success of Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft would tie Jade Raymond to the property and flog them both until one gave out. But apparently, the company thinks the Jade Raymond Media Bump would be better applied to a new IP: Gamekyo's reporting this morning that she's moved on to I Am Alive, a survival game that's set in a Chicago just rocked by an earthquake.

It seems though that she'll be making the leap in the final act of the game's development: Darkworks of Cold Fear fame has been working on the game, allegedly slated for spring 2009, for three years. We're supposed to hear some more about it at E3, so here's hoping that Jade presents the game and we get to experience that rarest of phenomenons, a mass nerd swoon, firsthand.