
Mac Mix Promo gives you deals on Mac apps, starts today

While MacHeist is on their summer break, Mac Mix is hoping to shake things up in the Mac app bundle community. Their website went live early this morning and allows you to mix applications to make your own bundle. You might say, "What's so special about that"? Well, Mac Mix gives you a tiered discount based on how many applications you purchase.

There are currently 28 applications to choose from including:

The pricing is similar to the way the Give Food to your Mac promo worked. The pricing tiers are:

  • 10% off of any one app

  • 30% off any 3

  • 40% off any 5

  • 50% off any 7

  • 60% off any 9

  • 75% off any 12

These deals will be available for 2 more weeks, so if you want to get a great deal on some great software, why not give Mac Mix promo a try. In addition, the 500th buyer will receive a "Super Bundle" that includes all 28 peices of software.

Thanks, Vivek!