
Cablevision trumpets 60 HD channels, DirecTV / Verizon chuckle

Maybe Cablevision just pulled the trigger without looking, but rather than holding its head in shame after hearing that Verizon hit 100 HD channels (at least in NY) and DirecTV would soon reach 130, it decided to pump out a release bragging about reaching the mighty six-oh. Granted, 60 high-def stations is way more than some carriers offer in some locales (TWC, we're looking at you), but the timing is comical regardless. Cablevision will soon be adding 15 new high-definition channels to its iO TV lineup, with some regions seeing them as early as today. The newcomers are: AMC HD, Animal Planet HD, Discovery HD, Fox News HD, FX HD, Hallmark Movie Channel HD, IFC HD, Nickelodeon HD, Science HD, SPEED HD, Spike HD, The Weather Channel HD, TLC HD, Travel Channel HD and WE HD. Oh, and before you Cablevision subscribers gripe over "just" having 60, remember the folks in much worse situations.