
Blizzcon ticket sale date announced

Blizzard announced today that Monday, August 11 will be the on-sale date for BlizzCon 2008 tickets. If it's anything like the Worldwide Invitational and previous BlizzCons, tickets should sell out very quickly. The ticket are priced at $100 each. And don't forget to factor in airfare, hotel and food when planning for the October 10 & 11th event in Anaheim, CA.

Not much Wrath information was announced at the WWI last month and we may see more at this year's BlizzCon, but with the beta in full swing and Blizzard close to launching Wrath, there may not be too many surprises left to announce at the event. We'll possibly see some kind of opening cinematic and probably talk of what new content is planned shortly after launch.

Still, there will be much to see and do at BlizzCon as we expect their usual blend of contests, hands-on demo stations, dev panels, goodie bags, tournaments and probably some big announcements for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. One thing BlizzCon won't have is livestreaming over the net. For those who can't make it, DirectTV will be livestreaming the convention as a pay per view event.