
Way too expensive Dark Knight 360s flood eBay

With box office numbers soaring past the $440 million mark, The Dark Knight is one hot, hot, hot brand. This is exactly why lucky promotion winners are willing to put their rare The Dark Knight themed Xbox 360s on eBay, to capitalize on the hype and make a fist full of cash.

Winners of the Dominos Pizza's "The Cards Tell the Tale" Sweepstakes were awarded one of 110 The Dark Knight Xbox 360s (20GB models, no less) and now they're flooding eBay with some very high price tags. If you want one (and really, who wouldn't want a 360 plastered with the Joker on its side?) expect to pay two to three times the value of a Pro console itself. Heck, even "legit" auctions with sixteen plus bids have exceeded the $800 mark, which we expect to only climb. We wish we weren't so seriously jealous right now ...

[Via Gamertell]