
One Shots: A case of schadenfreude

Normally right about now, we'd open with something interesting or vaguely witty related to this screenshot. However, this particular screenshot has us entirely too busy snickering, and has otherwise left us at a loss. As if the above Lord of the Rings Online screenshot sent in by One Shots regular Finudir wasn't enough to get us started, the description pretty much sealed the deal. Finudir writes:

Arcticwulf was late in arriving at the scheduled time outlined by his Captain. Never lacking in a wicked sense of humour, Captain Finudir of Gondor decided to apply an ancient punishment he had once witnessed in Rohan. Wulf had to remain seated until the candles were completely burnt out. Needless to say, no one wanted to bunk with him that night, and the Fellowship splurged to get him his own room at the Prancing Pony Inn.

We hereby promise to not be late to any of Finudir's parties. Ever. (Of course, never having been invited, we figure we're safe!) Do you have a screenshot of... unorthodox methods of getting your group battle-ready and in-line? Or perhaps any good screenshot that will make us laugh? If so, send those screens our way to oneshots AT Sure, they're fun on guild forums, but it's even more fun when the rest of the community gets to share in the laugh! Don't forget to tell us what's going on in the screenshot, too.