
Universal gets back Scarface 2 rights without a fight

The world is yours once more, Universal. Well, at least the world of Scarface as it pertains video games. Variety reports that the rights to a sequel based on the famous film franchise reverted back to their original holder after the recent mass dumping of properties by Activision Blizzard.

Vivendi and Radical Entertainment produced the original Scarface: The World is Yours, sales of which the Variety piece places at a hefty 2.5 million worldwide. The story also mentions that a sequel to the game was at one time in development, although its current status remains a mystery. It's possible, as Variety speculates, that Universal itself could resurrect the title internally now that it is actively developing its own titles, such as the forthcoming video game treatment of the Angelina Jolie action vehicle, Wanted. Perhaps our dream mob-sim-meets-Halo-clone, Scarface: The Universe is Yours, just might happen after all.