
Resources galore for new EVE Online players

Veteran EVE Online blogger CrazyKinux is on top of his game. He's put together a collection of resources geared towards new players of EVE, or for those who are curious about what the game entails. He culled roughly three years of his own content to select ten of his most useful posts, out of the hundreds he's written.

The list hits topics ranging from the simple -- acronyms, mission running, and finding the right corporation to join -- to the more complex, such as exploration tips and faction standings. He strikes a good balance between content for new players and info for veteran players who could use a refresher on these aspects of the game. Also of interest there is the ever-growing EVE Online Blog Pack, which provides an easy way to keep up to date with what the EVE blogging community is up to. Check out "10 Posts for the EVE Online Newbie" and its related discussion on the EVE Online forums.