
Dead Space Animated Comic: Issue 5

Something totally gross is afoot on the intergalactic mining vessel USG Ishimura. The latest issue of the animated Dead Space comic is now available for your viewing pleasure, complete with subtle pans, focus pulls, and just enough squishy sound effects to get the whole thing across.

As far as video game advertising goes, we've gotta say these comics/videos are pretty effective. Watching these chumps try and kill the space-baddies is pretty frustrating when we all know that you need to strategically dismember them. You can't just shoot willy-nilly! And seriously, how do you expect to do any damage without a badass spacesuit and accompanying laser triton? You know what, forget it! We'll just do it ourselves ... drat, advertising!

In case you're behind, here are the previous issues:

Dead Space Animated Comic: Issue 1
Dead Space Animated Comic: Issue 2
Dead Space Animated Comic: Issue 3
Dead Space Animated Comic: Issue 4