
New video explores Moria's The Flaming Deeps

Turbine has released yet another teaser trailer for their Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria expansion coming this fall, and this time it focuses on The Flaming Deeps. This area is in the southern part of Moria, and home to many of the region's scariest Trolls, Goblins and Orcs. You can download it now from Massively's sister site Big Download!

Expanding upon the walkthrough information we got on this area at PAX, this video shows a bit more of what to expect from these fiery caverns. We get a look at the gorgeous Dwarven architecture, their unique lighting system and the monstrous trolls that work the forges of The Flaming Deeps. These trolls are actually chained to a series of rails through the forge area to keep them on track with their specific job duties that basically consist of carrying the heavy stuff. Be sure to check out the entire fly-through trailer below, as well as our on-going coverage of Mines of Moria.