
Strong Bad returns to WiiWare with Potpourrii

While the weekly update to WiiWare normally presents opportunity, this week it's more notable for what you won't be doing. The first thing that's off-limits? Trying to handle Strong Bad's style. The malicious, masked midget returns this week with Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free (Telltale Games, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points).

The other thing you won't be doing? Having any inkling of what Potpourrii (Abstraction Games, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points) is. Here, from its (unedited) description in the official Nintendo release:

"For centuries, the seasons have followed a set pattern. But then things start to go awry in the forest. Suddenly it's snowing while the sun shines and flowers bloom while leaves are falling. Then a strange purple goo appears. The leprechauns are stunned. Even worse, the magic oak of life loses its power. It all turns out to be the fault of an evil wizard."

Later, it mentions the word "puzzle," but our reading comprehension abilities were already torn asunder at that point. If you can handle it, check out an ad for the game after the break.