
Simon Belmont's shorts immortalized in new figurine

The little shorts. The multi-buckled, open vest that looks kind of like an empty life preserver. The Gene Simmons boots. After all the cool Castlevania characters, dressed in various finery, it is Simon Belmont (or "Belmondo" as he's known in Japan), dressed in Takeshi Obata's newly-designed Castlevania: Judgment style that Konami has decided to make into a figure. Although, of course, the other most recent Simon look wouldn't have been much better of a choice. And it's not Dracula in his dress.

We must admit that the sculptors have made Simon look damn cool, even if he is dressed like a Tetsuya Nomura Final Fantasy hero. Japan's Konamistyle store is taking preorders on (the final painted version of) this figure, to be released on February 6 for 7,140 yen ($66.50).

[Via Famitsu]