
Animal Crossing: City Fashion

The video here may be a little ... YouTubed, but you can see it at the Animal Crossing: City Folk website. And it's clear enough to see that there are a ton of clothing and style options. You can make yourself look like a Power Ranger, a sumo wrestler, or pretty much any variety of ridiculous you'd like. And all it takes is months of scouring shops, the dump, the lost and found, trees, the sky, the ground, the mail, and your friends' catalogs!

After the break, more life in (and around) the Animal Crossing city! Enjoy a brief serenade by Totakeke, learn about the shoe-shine skunk, who will happily change the color of your shoes with what must be really thick polish, and visit the tent of the roving fortune teller, Katrina. And at the end, presents! Well, a video about presents.


[Embedded videos via Animal Crossing Italia]