
Peggle: Dual Shot coming to DS Mar. 3, 2009

We always took PopCap to be a rather friendly company, one which excelled at making those work-time lulls just a little more tolerable. But it's with the impending release of a DS version of Peggle, dubbed Peggle: Dual Shot, that the developer's true and frighteningly insidious nature is revealed. Be sure to circle March 3, 2009 on your calendar -- one of the last calendars ever made -- as that's when the world will slump into an inescapable cesspool of inactivity, one bereft of eye contact and bulging with constant shouts of "FEVER!"

Buses will crash, cities will crumble and nobody will care about anything that doesn't involve a unicorn. We'd try and stop this calamity, but we doubt we'll be able to figure out how to stop playing all the other versions of Peggle before then.